Men, practices, networks: behind these words, it deals with glimpsing the human aspect (who are the land register officers, what is their activities, how can we situate them socially ...), but also the methods of work , the training, the professional techniques they adopt. The work of the conference also focuses on models and influences. The "networks" aspect naturally includes the relational fabric of these agents, but also the links with institutions, communities, notaries. Individual, family or company monographs are used to identify and describe very little known socio-economic and socio-professional networks. It also makes it possible to think about the question of business transmission, the knowledge and the know-how of the land register officers, which remains largely at this time a terra incognita. In addition, the cadastral agents seem to be intermediaries between the populations and the elites: is this activity full-time and allows for social ascents? What is the place and socio-economic status of land register officers in society (position in the hierarchy, "reputation", fortune)?
The chronological framework goes from the Middle Ages till today with a contemporary focus, thanks to the interventions of current actors: surveyors-geometers, public finance department. The geographical area mainly covers Southern France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland.
LC Dupain de Montessont, L'art de lever les plans, 1763